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BLHS Quarterly Membership Meeting

BLHS General Membership Meeting Agenda

April 27, 2023, 7:00 PM Big Lake Community Church


A. The Society with all its resources shall work to preserve the character and the natural

environment of the Big Lake Community.

B. The Society will solicit, collect, preserve and restore such materials, equipment and

memorabilia relating to the history of the area.

C. The Society will work with the community, if appropriate, to enhance, and preserve its

unique, cultural, historic and environmental character.

D. The Society shall encourage the development of the Big Lake Biennial presentation of

Historical Photos and Artifacts.

Meeting goals:

A. To discuss going forward with the preservation and digitizing of society’s photos and documents.

B. Create agenda and speakers for the July 27, 2023, Third Quarter Meeting.

1. Welcome/ Introductions

2. Reports

• Approval of January 26, 2023, Minutes & Financial Report (copies available)

• Calendar Report: Andrea Xaver

• Moving forward with the preservation and digitizing of photos and documents.

• Next issue of the newsletter

3. Pulse—

• Review what has been accomplished

• Set the goals and agenda for July 27 Third Quarter Meeting of 2023.

4. Connection— Community sharing: Guest speaker, Mick Steinman of Lake Cavanaugh

5. Adjournment

Earlier Event: October 27
BLHS Quarterly Meeting
Later Event: January 25
BLHS Quarterly Meeting