Big Lake Historical Society
The BLHS is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of preserving the character, artifacts and memorabilia relating to the history of the area, and natural environment of the Big Lake, Washington community and sharing that history through education and the biennial history exhibit held on even years.
The Big Lake Historical Society meets quarterly on the fourth Thursday of January, April, July and October at 6:00 pm at the Big Lake Community Church of the Nazarene Board Room. NOTE: New meeting time--6:00 PM
The Historical Society's educational and historical reference book, Images of America--Big Lake Valley, the stories of Ehrlich, Montborne, Walker Valley, Finn Settlement, Baker Heights and Big Lake has been published and is available for purchase at the Big Lake Store or from the BLHS; for more information email Trudi Davis at biglakehistoricalsociety@gmail.com .
Navigating this site:
Click NEWS for information about Activities, events, and meetings of the BLHS.
our photos page is a collection of Big lake valley photos that have been emailed to The BLHS for viewing on this site.
To move through the Photos click on the side of each picture, to view the captions move your cursor over the bottom of the page and they should pop-up.
note, we are missing some captions and if you have information about the photos you would be willing to share—or you have old photos of Life in the Big Lake Valley you would like to share on this site, email the information to Trudi Davis at biglakehistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Click EVENTS for information on Recent and coming events and meetings of the BLHS.
Click RESOURCES to read the most recent BLHS Newsletter And links to historical research.