Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
This picture is taken from the mill yard on the North end of the Lake. On the extreme left is the Rondel house (which is still there) and the large building to the far right is the old hospital.

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
Lake McMurray School.

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
Tommy, Dorothy, and "Bud" are children of Charles Jenkins and Pearl Laflamme Jenkins, while Jack is the son of John Van Sinderen and "Babe" Laflamme Van Sinderen

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
Richard (Dick) Cantlin and wife Freida - newlyweds ca.1930s

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
I am not sure who this is, but we think it is either John Van Sinderen (l) and Charles Jenkins (r) or Charles Laflamme (r)

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
Aunt Alice Thomas Slater (tallest). I am not sure who the gal is on the far left (Alice's friend Vienna?), but the young gal is Alice's daughter, Flora Mavros, and the boy is my uncle, Larry Thomas. I am not sure, but I think the dock they are on is the public access one that was across the highway and down a dirt road from the Big Lake Tavern on Highway 9 near where the Thomases lived. Given the age of Larry and Flora, I would think these photos are from around 1943-1945

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
is L to R, back: Violet Thomas Jenkins and her mom Hazel Thomas (my mom & grandma). In front of Violet, on left is Larry Thomas. I believe next to Larry, the gal in the middle (with the hat) is Larry's niece/my cousin, Nancy Thomas. I don't know who the others are.
Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
Viola Jenkins Ebel Savage (who now resides in Anacortes) is the second girl from the right, second row back. Not sure if any of her younger or older brothers and sisters are in the picture.

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
My dad, Gordon Jenkins, front row, second from left, and I believe his brother, "Bud" Jenkins the third from left.

Photo courtesy of Sande Jenkins Sandbom
I'm not exactly sure about this one, but it appears my dad, Gordon Jenkins, is the dark haired guy in middle row (2nd from left). It would have been about his 6th, 7th or 8th grade photo, as he didn't go to school after 8th grade graduation.

Saw Mill at Big Lake

Big Lake Townsite
Day Lumber Company trade dollar
Found in the creek on the Walking M Ranch in the late 1950's

Day Lumber

Big Lake Townsite

Big Rock, WA
Concrete bridge Nookachamps Creek Circa 1920. This bridge is located on Highway 9 at Big Rock and is still in use today.

Big Lake Townsite Postcard
The above "real photo" postcard was purchased on eBay (Dec., 2008). It is one of the best photographic overviews of the Big Lake town site available, and represents a sort of Rosetta Stone for understanding many of the other pictures of the town that the Historical Society possess. The town of Big Lake came into being at the beginning of the 20th century. Big Lake was owned by the Day Lumber Company and contained a depot, company store, post office, hotel, boarding house, town hall, reading room, church, hospital, many storage buildings, bunk houses and company houses for the mill workers families. By the time the above photo was taken (about 1915 - 20?) the town was well established.

Big Lake Townsite
Notice the school to the left and the Town Hall to the far right. Look closely and see the railroad crossing sign, and clothes drying on the line (far left).

Big Lake Townsite
Notice the train stopped at the depot. The company store is at the far right, the company farm/ranch is at the top, and the Town Hall is on the left. Notice the large sign just above the train (it advertises farm land for sale), and notice the horse in the corral.

Big Lake Townsite
The above postcard was acquired several years ago. This card provides a less revealing angle on the townsite. It's also of much poorer quality than the one above, but shows some of the same landmarks. This postcard is dated 1911.

Hoffman Clan

Walker Valley
Walker Valley looking West from just beyond Perks place (formerly Fred Young's).

Walker Valley
Walker Valley looking S.E. from current Schacht house site.

Potato Digger
Jim Schacht on the potato digger and John Cantlin on the tractor.

We need your help. This is a photograph of a 7th grade class at Big Lake School. We would like to know the year and if individual students could be recognized and named.