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Trudi Davis

The BLHS has been informed that Arcadia Publishing has tentatively scheduled the release of Images of America—Big Lake Valley for June 20, 2016. We received this advance notice to ensure that our organization has time to fit in any media interviews, book signings, or other events that will surround the publication and sale of our book. A special thanks to the group of authors who worked diligently to research and collect stories, data, and photographs:

Ida Uitto Jensen, Julia Uitto Krieger, and Mary Granstrom Buzzell contributed the Finn Settlement story.

Andrea Millward Xaver researched and authored the Early Beginnings, Baker Heights, and Ehrlich stories.

Ken and Gloria Hoffman collected photos and stories of Walker Valley.

Pattie Hanstad Pleas researched and contributed the story of Big Rock.

The story of Montborne was researched and co-authored by Jim Farmer and Pattie Hanstad Pleas.

The Big Lake stories were contributed by Melba Hoffman Hall.

Christine Farrow had the arduous task of scanning the selected photographs to meet the specifications of the publisher.

Trudi Yarcho Davis edited the introductions and captions per publisher’s expectations.

We will begin taking pre-orders for Images of America—Big Lake Valley following our April 21st quarterly meeting.