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Trudi Davis

Marie Pederson Tingley (above)—Many ‘lakers’ have fond memories of end of the year school parties at the Tingley Trout Farm on Mountain View Road. Hosted by Marie and her husband Millard, students could swim and play in the pools or fish for trout in the ponds while taking in the beautiful view of Mt. Baker and the Nookachamps Valley. We are sad to report that the Trout Farm has sold and Marie, who is 90 years young, has moved to Mountain Glen Retirement Center in Mount Vernon. Many have driven by the property and asked about Marie. She would love visitors and is still the consummate hostess and would be more than happy to put on the coffee pot and share conversation with you. She lives in apartment #106.

Martha Mary (Palmer) Nelson—has moved to Country Meadows a retirement community in Sedro-Woolley, Mary Martha and her father, Ben Palmer, operated the Big Lake Store in the 1950s. She would also really enjoy visitors. Her address is: 1501 Collins Rd, Apt #116, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284.