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Community Pancake Breakfast


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Community Pancake Breakfast

Trudi Davis

The Big Lake Fire Department Community Auxiliary prepared their annual fundraising pancake breakfast for the community, Saturday, March 5. Many volunteers were on hand to welcome and serve the public a wonderful pancake, fruit, sausage, and ham breakfast. Explorer Scouts and volunteer fire fighters were manning raffle tables with donated items, while the local Cub Scout troop was busy catering to their guests and picking up and clearing tables. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet neighbors and friends while enjoying the spacious new community room and its scenic view of Mt Baker as well as touring the newly completed restrooms constructed with the help of local businesses. A big thank you to all who volunteered their time to make the morning an enjoyable experience. 

The Big Lake Historical Society is tentatively planning to have a book signing and coming out party for our book in the new community room, date and time to be announced later.